The Bible describes five ministries: apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher. On the basis of these Biblical ministries, the congregation has set five goals: worship, evangelism, community, education and service.
These goals are the work area that forms the basis of the municipality.
Raising God, he is our goal.
To spread the Gospel of Christ in the world, to tell people about God; the total gospel for the total man
Forming a unity together, giving people the opportunity to meet and share their faith. To strive for unification from the unity.
Forcing Christians to spiritual maturity, for example through Bible study/Bible research. Education and preaching are brought in a clear way, with the emphasis on simplicity. The result is that you recognize the word you have learned back in your own life.
The equipping of believers who want to commit themselves in the church. It helps the believers find their place in the congregation and carry out their task.
God’s Word, the Bible is central to the Ark of the Covenant
With great regularity, we also hold Bible and educational training based on the foundation of Christ. We also regularly invite Bible teachers or ask them to speak in the meeting. Speakers who regularly visit us include Apostle Eric Tjin Kon Kiem, Apostle Steven Reyme, Apostle Paul Pinas.